Unclassifiable but with a real soul, Isa Somparé’s second album, Le monde est fou, where in seven songs, she takes a personal look at the world as it is, dreaming that it could be much better.
Although she opened for Henri Texier at the Parfum de jazz festival and was the lead singer of the FMR jazz quintet for fifteen years, Isa Somparé does not want to be a prisoner of one musical genre and proves it with Le monde est fou (*), where her singular voice marries many musical styles: from jazz sounds in the title song evoking climate disruption (Compte à rebours/ Mauvais détours) to the soul groove of Porn Geneva through the blues gospel sounds of Carrefour. She admits, practicing the self-interview in the document of presentation of her little person, that she “does not fit in any box” … Not the monotonous musical times that run, it is far from being a defect and Isa Somparé knows how to embark his world in a musical universe that we feel polished by many years of listening all azimuths, meetings and practice.

In addition to these passions for all kinds of music, one can quickly see when listening to this nervous and dense album that the woman and the artist remain concerned by the crises in the world and the recurring geopolitical problems. As she says: “It goes moderately well today”. It is true, they are so numerous that they can be a sacred source of inspiration for whoever wants to take the trouble without giving in to the song-tract, very quickly dated.
For the lyrics, the artist’s inspiration hunts wide: in addition to the ecology so media nowadays, there is a first song, J’attends, a blues concocted during the confinement and where she says without raising her voice: “I wait for what must happen.” Later, in Carrefour, she evokes her passion for music – “my life, my blood” – so vital to her. Finally, in the very melodic Traverser les Rivières, Isa Comparé evokes, in a poetic and diverting way, the fate of migrants who attempt the adventure of Gibraltar. “I come from far away/ Far from my fathers/ If I am less than nothing/ I am your brother.”